Sunday, October 25

Etsy Fav Fav Favs

Some Etsy pretties I REALLY want (yeah, I have a case of the wants).

Amazing art.

The loveliest dress.

The best earrings ever!

Adorable paper dolls.

Pretty, pretty cape.

I'm off to spend some time with my family-- Johnny is leaving for Minnesota in the morning, in hopes of buying his dream guitar. It's quite the drive from Missouri, so he'll be going to bed soon to get some rest before the drive. Have a good evening-- if I can locate my card reader, I'll have new things to show tomorrow! xoxo Katie xoxo


  1. We have lots of Wool & Water paper dolls, some that I keep pristine for myself and some that Annabelle plays with lovingly. Buy doubles!

  2. awww so sweet

    i hope that one day my stuff will be a favorite of yours



  3. I have one wool and water paper doll and it is awesome! I want to buy more soon. I love her stuff. Those earrings are amazing too. Something that is on my want list would be one of your snail brooches! I love them!
