Monday, September 28

Giveaway Again!!!

My BFF Rebecca's birthday is on Thursday and I thought it would be fun to do a giveaway in honor of her! Sign your name in the comments section, because Thursday October 1st I will be letting her draw the winner. Here's what you are playing for:

Yep, it's Ghostie!!! Sign up!


  1. that is the sweetest ghost ever :)
    Michele F.

  2. Oh, I can't tell you how happy this would make Annabelle--she loves Halloween more than Christmas, and your ghost is like a Halloween-tree ornament!

  3. me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me
    You get the idea?

  4. Hey! My Birthday is in October too! :)
    Madeline Bro

  5. Aaarrrgghhh...cute!!! I want it!!! :)

    Lucia Berta

  6. Happy Birthday Rebecca! Thanks for inspiring a giveaway!

  7. She is so lovely, I'd love to win her!
    My name is Dorothee-Maria Frerichs.
    (And in a few month my name will be Dorothee-Maria Lotufo....;) )

  8. Sybille Sterk

    Love the ghostie! Would make the perfect Halloween decoration...or all year round. I always wanted a ghost in the house. LOL

  9. I just saw this awesome ghost through elsie from RVA. Love it & everythiing in your shop! Kissing girrafe cake toppers-- Genius!
    I put them on my tumbler & everyone loved them. (

  10. I love your ghostie! I'd be very happy to be haunted all year round by her...

    Happy Birthday to your BFF! xo

  11. Happy Birthday, Rebecca!! You are lucky to have such a clever friend as Skunkboy, who makes such wonderful creatures.


  12. Oh what an awesome contest!

    Louana van Luttervelt

  13. Oh my gosh. I'm in love with your new ghostie!

    Jaymi Guess

  14. My little four year old wants this so bad.....

    and so do I!

    Lindsey Michaelree

  15. Erin Fulton (Please please please)

  16. I love your ghostie! I have ghosts on my brain too lately...
    xo Eva

  17. Hi...I would be thrilled if I won...I just love her...Tamara

  18. Eeeeek! I'd love to have this ghostie spooking a corner of my home!

    -Olivia L.

  19. I love your blog and creatures! I would love to win gostie!!! My name is Jessica!! :)

  20. I love your blog and creatures! So adorable!!! I would love to win ghostie!!!
    Jessica :)

  21. Aww man! Pick me, Rebecca. It's me, Lydia, Theo's Asian friend! This ghost is the cherry on top to my already lovely day.

  22. Oh! I love ghostie!

    Britten Johnson

  23. I love the ghostie !!!
    Hope I'm not too late !

    * Mathyld M. *

    Kisses from Paris,
    x x x

    PS : Your email made my day ♥

  24. well.

    i'm trying to think of something persuasive-but-not-too-threatening to write so i can ensure my win.

    but there are already 38 comments. that means 38 others are going to be coming back and checking. and they might read my threats.


    so i will say this: i want to win. but i won't show up at your house and kick you if i don't.

    {i wrote kick! not the other k word.}

    there. i look forward to the announcement that i won.

  25. Got here as fast as I could - what an adorable little ghost - I want to send this to my daughter at school far far away! Hope I'm not too late - but even if I am - wanted to say this is a bootiful blog (sorry! couldn't help it!)

  26. If it's not too late, I'd love to win this ghost to give to my friend who just moved into a new apartment!
