Thursday, July 31

If I were a rich girl, I'd support you all...

There are so many talented people on Etsy. If I were a rich girl, I would own these:

This lovely woodland creature is made by Astulabee.

I love, love, love this pendant by Sarah Ogren. I will own this one very soon.

I already own two of Layla's prints. Dollface Design is an awesome shop.

I actually already own this swan, but it is so lovely in my home that it deserves recognition. Apol from Lapomme is SO VERY talented... and sweet.

My daughter Hope is set on joining the circus. These trapeze twins from Roadside Projects make me think of her.

This is my most favorite mustardy skirt from Houndztooth.

Finally (for now), it's no secret that Art & Ghosts is amazing. This print made me laugh out loud when I first saw it. This is me with any friend I've ever had.

Ryan Adams in October!

Ryan Adams is so cool to see in concert because he's so freakin good. Seriously, this guy can rock your face off and make you cry during the same song. He always has a good band behind him, and his transitions between songs are seamless. The last time we saw him, people were talking through the whole show and he was FUMING, so this time we're going to the Fox Theater. We are hoping for better luck this time around. It really sucks to pay $85 to see him, and then be in the small minority of attending people who actually came to see the show instead of socialize. Fingers crossed.

It's time to be moving on.

Living in Camdenton is getting old. It's a small town, without the small town charm. You can't walk or bike anywhere, because everything is so spread out, and there are no shoulders or sidewalks really. Everyone is so grumpy here, probably because the area is developing so fast, no one can own a business because they are being chased out by chains (yuck).

We looked at a house in Eldon this week. Eldon is a small town, which isn't completely what I want, but at least I can bike EVERYWHERE. Plus the houses are amazing. So long Camdenton, I hope to be moving on!

Wednesday, July 30

Wow, it's my very own blogsite that has existed for most of a year...

It's funny... I don't know how many people Google themselves, but I'm shameless and I did. In doing so, I found my blog. I had completely forgotten about it... my sweet friend Amy set it up as a photography blog when she was here in January, and it's mostly been neglected. So, now it is a blog for my little creatures and whatnot, because I've been meaning to do this for some time, and only seem to get around to doing this when other people set them in my lap. We'll see how long it takes people to actually get around to reading this. Hee, hee...